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I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon Warna
Followed by 47 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manhwa
Released 2022
Author Park Dongshin Shaymel [Add, ]
Artist Choi Byeong-ik
Serialization KakaoPage (KakaoPage)Kakao Webtoon (Kakao)
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I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon Bahasa Indonesia

A Wounded Surgeon, I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon, Trọng Sinh Thành Thần Y Thời Tam Quốc, Легендарный хирург, 転生した外科医~華佗伝~, 화타가 된 외과의사

Sinopsis I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon

I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon – Dr. Han Jinsoo always tried to live a righteous life, but in return, he got fired, swindled by a conman, and killed by his own professor. Luckily, a mysterious being offers him a second chance at life because of all the good deeds he had performed. The only problem is… he comes back to life as as Hua Tuo, the legendary Chinese physician, in the turbulent period of the Eastern Han Dynasty! Will he be able to survive in this era of wars and heroes as a surgeon without so much as a scalpel?Original Webtoon:

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Chapter I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon
