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I Scared the Divine Lord as I handed over the Ancient Immortal Pill Warna
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Type Manhua
Released 2023
Author 猫三月文化
Artist 猫三月文化
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I Scared the Divine Lord as I handed over the Ancient Immortal Pill Bahasa Indonesia

Bắt Đầu Nộp Lên Thái Cổ Tiên Dược, Ta Dọa Sợ Thánh Chủ, Kaiju Shang Jiao Taigu Xian Yao, Wo Xia Huai Sheng Zhu, Kāijú Shàng Jiāo Tàigǔ Xiān Yào, Wǒ Xià Huài Shèng Zhǔ, 开局上交太古仙药,我吓坏圣主

Sinopsis I Scared the Divine Lord as I handed over the Ancient Immortal Pill

Bai Yifan has an ancient ring that allows him to travel freely between the Earth and the fantasy world, and he has discovered that “plants and animals” on the Earth will evolve into treasures when they are taken to the fantasy world. An apple evolves into an immortal fruit, an egg will hatch into a phoenix or an earth dog has the bloodline of a dragon. One could even use tobacco to manipulate the enemy to their advantage.Original Webcomic:AC.QQ, BiliBili Manhua, KuaiKan Manhua

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Chapter I Scared the Divine Lord as I handed over the Ancient Immortal Pill
