In the year 2020, humanity faces a crisis as Earth is attacked by unidentified monsters. Players prepare for the attack by challenging the Labyrinth that appeared. They can choose four options:Easy Mode, where anyone can survive; Normal Mode, where you must work to survive; Hard Mode, where only 1% could survive; and Solo Mode, the harshest difficulty.Kang TaeSan, the strongest Easy Mode player cleared the Labyrinth using an unconventional approach and acquired skills others could not: [ Addition, Multiplication, Attack Nullification, Ultimate Judgement…].But because he chose Easy Mode, his power was lacking. Unable to prevent the extinction of humanity, he lay dying. A miraculous chance appears.”This time I’ll definitely become stronger.”Challenging the Labyrinth again, this is Skill-based Player Kang TaeSan’s Solo Mode Attack Record!
Followed by 38 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manhwa
Released 2023
Author Palan Yeong
Artist Runbel
Serialization KakaoPage (Kakao)Kakao Webtoon (Daum)
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